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  • LED Projector
  • 3D Hologram Projector " MUSION The First 3D Hologram Projector " / Hologram Projector 3 Dimensi

3D Hologram Projector MUSION The First 3D Hologram Projector / Hologram Projector 3 Dimensi

Update Terakhir
09 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit
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207 kali



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Detail 3D Hologram Projector MUSION The First 3D Hologram Projector / Hologram Projector 3 Dimensi

Musion® Eyeliner™ System is a high definition holographic video projection system allowing spectacular three-dimensional moving images to appear within a live stage setting. Live or virtual stage presenters can appear alongside and interact with virtual images of humans or animated characters, much like the effect created for Warner Brothers movie, " Who Framed Roger Rabbit? ” Using sets starting from just 2m3 cubes, projected images range in size from 50cm square, up to a massive 20m x 100m. Content can be live or virtual humans, animations ( cartoon or computer generated) , full sized trucks or automobiles, landscape, property, scenery, even machinery, pharmaceuticals and electronic components and appliances. The Musion® Eyeliner™ Projection Screen is the essence of co-creation, bringing companies and customers together within an immersive communication experience that taps into the emotional impulses of today’ s market. It’ s a sensory technology that wholly engages its audience and can transform information systems into visual capital that draws in today’ s reality consumer. The Musion® Eyeliner™ system utilises the current generation of High-Definition technology and integrates it into a visual ecosystem that enables HD media to fully realise its potential within the blossoming digital ecosystem. Eyeliner™ requires only a single camera shoot, single projector playback and does not require any special audience props, such as the use of 3D glasses. Yet, the audience viewing Eyeliner™ are always left awestruck by the startling realism of our 3D virtual shows. When using Musion® Eyeliner™ , your imagination is the only limit. Watch all of your creative content come alive as dramatic moving 3D images of amazing clarity. Even existing ‘ made for TV’ 2D video material is transformed into compelling footage running in giant floating 3D virtual screens created by the Musion® Eyeliner™ System. The Eyeliner™ hologram is unique worldwide and protected by patents granted in countries all over the world, including the USA, Japan and Europe. Pemesanan / pertannyaan dapat menghubungi kami di : MICE-CENTRE KUNINGAN CITY 2nd Fl.No.16 Jl.Prof.Dr.Satrio Kav.8 Jakarta 12940 DECKY 085719581344 Terima kasih
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